News Centre

23 Oct 2007

CUHK to Continue Seeking Feedback on Campus Master Plan

23 Oct 2007

The Chinese University of Hong Kong is taking a strategic approach to planning and developing the campus with a view to creating a visionary and sustainable blueprint for the University up to 2021 and beyond.

To give the future campus development a unified vision, a Steering Committee on Campus Master Planning was formed. Under the guidance of the Steering Committee, four leading architectural firms with international campus development expertise have been short-listed to prepare Preliminary Master Plan Proposals covering design concepts, methodologies and approaches.

A feedback collection programme on the CMP and an exhibition of the Preliminary Master Plan Proposals have been launched on 24 September to collect feedback from members of the University Community on the planning principles and design concepts. Since then, the University has received useful feedback from members of the University community.

In light of this response, the University is now exploring a suitable venue to extend the exhibition of the Preliminary Master Plan Proposals beyond 31 October in order to further facilitate the University community’s understanding of the CMP proposals. CUHK will continue to consider feedback from the University community.

Detailed information about the CMP, including the Preliminary Master Plan Proposals of the four short-listed architectural firms, videos of their presentation sessions, questions & comments raised in the stakeholder engagement presentation sessions, and feedback collected through various channels such as email, website, collection boxes, fax and mail, have all been uploaded to the dedicated CMP website ( The website is regularly updated to provide the University community with the latest information about the CMP.

The University is committed to hearing and responding to the views of the University community to ensure that their suggestions and aspirations are reflected in the final design.

The Preliminary Master Plan Proposals are preliminary designs only, and the feedback collected will serve as input for the Steering Committee to formulate its recommendation to the University.

Upon the final appointment of a consultant to undertake the CMP, stakeholder engagement workshops will also be organised with the consultant to meet with members of the University community to discuss the final campus blueprint.

The final consultant will be appointed in the next few months, and the Campus Master Plan which will be adopted as a guideline for future development is expected to be announced towards the end of 2008.

Steering Committee on Campus Master Planning
The Chinese University of Hong Kong