
Communication Seminar Series – Gender Equality in ICT Access, Skills and Leadership


Communication Seminar Series - Gender Equality in ICT Access, Skills and Leadership


5 Mar 2019


10:30am – 12:30pm


Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK


Dr. Araba Sey, Principal Research Fellow, United Nations University

Enquiries: / Tel: 39438709 (Dr. Daisy Cheng)

Synopsis of Lecture:

Despite years of apparent gender equality, all around the world there are persistent gender gaps related to information and communication technologies (ICTs). It is essential that the academic community reevaluate the root causes of gender inequalities, engage more directly with relevant practitioners and policymakers, pursue more solutions-oriented research and maintain vigilance for the gender implications of the everchanging technological landscape. To advance this agenda, the UN University Institute on Computing & Society (UNU-CS) leads the Research Group of the EQUALS Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age. The research group aims to assess the state of knowledge on digital gender inequality and encourage the collection and use of reliable evidence in intervention strategies. This talk will share findings from the research group’s recent report on the state of gender equality in ICT access, skills and leadership.