
C-Centre Spotlights Event: Publications Launch


C-Centre Spotlights Event: Publications Launch


31 Jan 2018




Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, CUHK

Enquiries: / Tel: 39437701 (Miss Mandy Chan)

Event Details:

You are cordially invited to the C-Centre Spotlights Event: Publications Launch to be held on 31 Jan 2018. The event is to celebrate recent publications under C-Centre including journal special issues by Communication and Society 傳播與社會學刊 and Chinese Journal of Communication as well as new book volumes. Colleagues will share the highlights of their publications. All are welcome to attend.

The event will be bilingual. Details are as follows:

Date: Wednesday, 31 January 2018
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Venue: C-Centre, Room 313, Humanities Building, New Asia College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1. Welcome and introduction
2. The launch of Chinese Journal of Communication Special Issue on “Hong Kong Media and Politics Revisited: Twenty Years after the Handover”
3. The launch of 傳播與社會學刊「數字科技對新聞的衝擊」專刊
4. Introduction of books recently published:
– 透視傳播與社會 (蕭小穗、黃懿慧及宋韻雅編)
– 傳播學大師訪談錄 (邱林川、黃煜及馮應謙編)
– Youth Cultures in China (Authored by Jeroen de Kloet and Anthony Y. H. Fung)
– Advancing Comparative Media and Communication Research (Edited by Joseph M. Chan and Francis L. F. Lee)
– Media and Society in Networked China (Edited by Jack Linchuan Qiu)
5. Tea reception and sharing

Light refreshments will be served. To be environmental friendly, paper cups will not be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring their own bottles or cups. Interested parties, please register via our School event booking system ( ) by 12:00pm, Friday, 26 January 2018. We look forward to seeing you at the event. Thank you.