

Course-Taking Arrangements for CUHK Outgoing Exchange Students Returning to CUHKGuidelines for Postgraduate Students (English version only)


This set of guidelines is solely applicable to CUHK outgoing exchange students who have enrolled courses in partner institutions during 2019-20 Term 2 and Term 3 but are unable to complete the courses using face-to-face mode at the partner institutions due to COVID-19 either because they have returned to (or planned to return to) Hong Kong or their home towns, or the partner institutions have suspended face-to-face classes with no alternatives for students to continue their learnings. The arrangements will enable students to continue their studies and earn credits accordingly.

    1. Credit Transfer: If online courses or other remote learning options are offered by the partner institutions for students to complete the courses, students should abide by the arrangement and then apply for credit transfer at CUHK as usual.
    2. Enroll in a CUHK Term 2 and 3 Course: If the student has already planned/communicated with the course teacher concerned the application for credit transfer for the course(s) taken at the partner institution during his/her exchange, the student can late add the relevant course at CUHK with the consent and agreement of the course teacher.
      • The student can late add the course as soon as possible even though s/he has not yet returned to Hong Kong since all courses are at present conducted online. S/he can add the course by submitting a written request to the Graduate Division for endorsement and the Graduate School for approval, preferably on or before 9 April 2020.
      • The student is allowed to late drop the course at the end of the term if s/he is unable to catch up with the progress.
      • An alternative assessment scheme can be tailor-made for the student by the course teacher if deemed appropriate and as decided by the course teacher.
      • Subject to the consent and agreement of the course teacher, the concerned student will be offered the option of P/F grading for the course, which will not contribute to the calculation of all forms of GPAs. The final decision on whether the option of P/F grading is available to the concerned student is rested with the respective Assessment Panel of the course and should be made known to the student prior to his/her enrollment of the course. Since the P/F grading will not be included in GPA calculation, students are advised to consider carefully when considering the option.
      • Course completion with grade (using the title of the CUHK course) will be indicated in the student transcript of 2019-20 Term 2 and Term 3.
    3. Independent Study: If no relevant courses are being offered in the current term at CUHK, a student can complete his/her study with credits by pursuing an “Independent Study” course, subject to the approval of the respective Graduate Division Heads and Programme Directors. Detailed arrangements are as follows:
      • Please consult the Graduate Division Head or Programme Director to identify a teacher to design an “Independent Study” scheme for him/her to complete the rest of the course.
      • The level of the course and number of credit units of the course will be decided by the teacher. The student can enroll in the course by submitting a written request to the Graduate School via his/her Graduate Division, preferably on or before 9 April 2020.
      • The use of MOOC courses and other online materials may be used to support “Independent Study”.
      • Students are allowed to late drop the “Independent Study” if they experience difficulties in completing the course.
      • The course will be graded in P/F and will not be included in GPA calculation. Students who get a “P” in the course will gain the number of credit units, and the total number of credits that a student can gain from “Independent Study” courses should not be more than 9 units.
      • Course completion with grade of the “Independent Study” course will be indicated in the student transcript of 2019-20 Term 2, Term 3 or Summer Session, depending on the time that the course is completed by the student. In any case, Students should complete the “Independent Study” no later than the end of the Summer Session.
    4. Study Plan: Students can follow the arrangements stated in Paragraphs (1), (2) or (3) to complete the courses they have enrolled in partner institutions. Students should consult and seek help from their Academic Advisors or Programme Directors to devise a Study Plan with the best alternatives to suit their individual needs and situation. Programme Directors will also assist students to devise a long-term plan that covers not only the study of this term but also future ones.
    5. Academic Advice: Students are strongly urged to communicate with and seek advice from their Academic Advisors/Programme Directors or the course teachers concerned in making their decisions for the choice of courses.
    6. Please contact your Graduate Division for advice on study plan and the Graduate School Office by email (gradschool@cuhk.edu.hk) for any enquiries concerning course registration.